Sunday, August 19, 2012

Five Reasons Sues Teacher Competency Test

Compass/Ferganata Senses Riatmoko teacher competency test Implementation held in Kemdikbud "online".

JAKARTA, -Threats to sue teachers competency tests (UKG) realized, Wednesday (15/8/2012). A number of the elements incorporated in the team file lawsuits plaintiffs submit UKG to Supreme Court (MA). In the pages of that page file 500, there are at least five reasons why UKG sued through judicial review to MA.

First, the plaintiff point out the definition of team listed in rule UKG Minister of education and culture (Permendikbud) No. 57/2012 is not in accordance with the mandate of the Act No. 14/2005 about the teachers and professors and Government Regulation (PP) No. 74/2008 about the teachers.

"Teacher Competencies acquired through professional education, not the UKG. In addition to the competence of teachers there are four, not two, and if tested should be holistic, could not, "said the Secretary General of the dicicil-cicil Federation of teachers ' Unions (FSGI) Indonesia, Retno Listiyarti, MA in the building, Jakarta, Wednesday (15/8/2012).

The secondreason, said Retno, article 5 paragraph 2 Permendikbud/2012 Number 57 on UKG contrary to article 3 paragraph 4 PP Number 74/2008 about the teachers. In the second article that there are differences regarding the definition of the competencies that must be mastered by the pedagogic teachers.

The third reason is the professional competence of teachers. Article 5 paragraph 3 Permendikbud Number 57/2012 votes contrary to article 3 paragraph 7 PP No. 74/2008 about the teachers.

"For us, the pedagogic competence and competence in professional Permendikbud Number 57/2012 has been reducing, even away from the mandate of PP 74/2008 about the scope of competence of pedagogic and professional competence," he said.

The fourthreason, he said, regarding the Agency which hosted the UKG. According to the plaintiffs, there is a difference between the content of the Permendikbud governing the UKG with PP on Guru (article 3 paragraph 9) where organizing is the supposed UKG education standards (BSNP), not the agency human resource development and the guarantor of quality Education Upbringing (BPSDMP-PMP).

The fifthreason, Permendikbud of UKG votes contrary to the laws and regulations on it, giving rise to legal uncertainty and in violation of Act No. 12/2011 about the formation of Legislation.

As reported, the plaintiff's team consists of diverse elements UKG. In addition, other teacher organizations FSGI also joined the independent Teachers Federation, namely Indonesia (FGII), and several non-governmental organizations (NGOS) such as the coalition of education and Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW). Overall, the team the plaintiff applied for a judicial review into the MA are teachers who are domiciled in Jakarta, West Java, Bandung, Medan and Indragiri Hilir, (Riau Islands). Power law given to the legal aid Institute (LBH) in Jakarta to ask objected to Permendikbud.

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