Tuesday, February 19, 2013

PTS Is Ready To Form An Independent Accrediting Agencies

MAKASSAR, KOMPAS.com-The Board of the Association of private Universities (Aptisi) Indonesia declared the establishment of the Independent College accrediting agencies (LAM-PT). Pendidiran was soon presented to the national accreditation body of the College.

The establishment is done in an effort to continually improve the quality of public and Private Colleges akuntabilias Indonesia, in accordance with the legislation of the national education system and higher education legislation.

Founding Chairman of the LAM-PT Aptisi, Budijatmiko, in the statement the Board meeting of the plenary (RPPP) Center Aptisi, in Makassar on Friday (15/2/2013), say, Aptisi and Centre region acts as a founder of Aptis LAM-PT with one legal entity for LAM-PT. next proposed establishment of LAM-PT, as mandated by the LAW relating to the family.

Aptisi and Aptisi the Centre is committed to running LAM-PT based on transparent principles, accountability, corporate responsibility, and honesty, with a process-based coaching, in order to increase the quality of higher education.

Aptisi and Aptisi as well as the regions Center BUILDING se-Indonesia, committed to support the establishment and support of operasionalisasi in the form of human resources, technology, sarana-prasarana, and finance. It's all done in accordance with the applicable provisions, the principles of deliberation in ensuring the establishment of LAM-PT in the long term.

Chairman Edy Suandi Hamid, Aptisi, States, Aptisi ready memenindaklanjuti Center establishment LAM-PT in accordance with the provisions in force, with a maximum period of six months. "LAM Aptisi PT to address these shortcomings in the institution and the accreditation system," said Edy.

Edy exemplifies the assessment system, less so friendly, especially to the PTS that nifty little still. In addition, the dissatisfaction of the PUBLIC feel the existence of discriminatory treatment are expected to be reduced.

"But not to the existence of LAM will degrade the quality of PTS. Therefore, the preparation of the institutional system and LAM must still give priority to quality assurance. To that end, the Government should provide financial support, such as through its full operating costs of private Colleges, "said Edy.